Plot: Best Student Council is a Japanese anime television series conceived by Konami and animated by J.C.Staff which originally aired on TV Tokyo from April to September 2005. A PS2 dating sim game of the same name based on the anime was also made by Konami. The North American DVD was released by ADV Films...
Plot: Teenager Hayate Ayasaki is hired by Nagi Sanzen'in, sole heiress to the Sanzen'in estate, as a butler. Now, he must not only perform his duties as a butler, but also protect her from harm.
Plot: Starship Operators is a Japanese light novel series written by Ryo Mizuno. Six volumes were published by MediaWorks between 2001 and 2005. An anime television series adaptation animated by J.C.Staff aired on TV Tokyo from January to March 2005. Starship Operators is licensed in North America by Geneon...
Plot: Fierce in appearance but gentle at heart, Ryuji forms an unlikely friendship with Taiga, a tiny girl with a sharp tongue and a tough attitude. Together they try to help each confess their love to their crushes.
Plot: An online role-playing game takes on a reality of its own after its servers permanently shut down, trapping the only remaining logged-in player as his fearsome lich character who struggles to maintain the fragile balance between the world's races.
Plot: Cheating Craft is a Japanese/Chinese anime television series animated by BLADE and produced by Emon. It is based on Gemini Xin Luo's novel Zuobi Yishu. The anime series premiered on October 5, 2016 as a short anime and ran alongside To Be Hero. Wikipedia
Plot: Back Street Girls is a Japanese manga series by Jasmine Gyuh. It is about three yakuza men forced by their boss to become a female idol group. It was serialized in Kodansha's seinen manga magazine Weekly Young Magazine from March 2015 to September 2018 and was compiled into 12 volumes. Wikipedia