Plot: Keita Kawahira, who comes from a family that tames demon dogs, is finally able to contract with one of his own; unfortunately for him, this particular Inukami is a problem-pup.
Plot: Muteki Kanban Musume is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Jun Sadogawa. It was serialized between May 2002 and February 2006 in Akita Shoten's Weekly ShÅnen Champion and was collected in 17 volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Starship Operators is a Japanese light novel series written by Ryo Mizuno. Six volumes were published by MediaWorks between 2001 and 2005. An anime television series adaptation animated by J.C.Staff aired on TV Tokyo from January to March 2005. Starship Operators is licensed in North America by Geneon...
Plot: Best Student Council is a Japanese anime television series conceived by Konami and animated by J.C.Staff which originally aired on TV Tokyo from April to September 2005. A PS2 dating sim game of the same name based on the anime was also made by Konami. The North American DVD was released by ADV Films...
Plot: Love Get Chu is a Japanese mobile phone visual novel created by ARiKO System about a group of five girls trying to become voice actresses. An anime adaptation entitled Love Get Chu: Miracle Seiyū Hakusho aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 4 and September 27, 2006, containing twenty-five episodes...
Plot: Happy Seven is an anime series which consists of 13 episodes that began airing in Japan October 2, 2005. The original story was by Hiroyuki Kawasaki. It was directed by Tsutomu Yabuki and produced by Studio Hibari and Trinet Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: Futakoi Alternative is a Japanese anime television series created by character designer Mutsumi Sasaki and planner & scenario writer Hina Futaba. The series was produced by MediaWorks, King Records, Lantis and Yomiko Advertising and animated by Feel, Studio Flag and Ufotable. Wikipedia
Plot: Makai Senki Disgaea is an anime series based on the video game Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Makai Senki Disgaea follows the same general plot as the game, but with several alterations to character roles and the chronology of events. The anime was licensed by Geneon Entertainment before closing their...
Plot: Utaâ½Kata is a 2004 anime television series. Written differently, the title can refer to bubbles and used as such in the ending theme. The series can be loosely considered a magical girl story. Wikipedia
Plot: Futakoi Alternative is a Japanese anime television series created by character designer Mutsumi Sasaki and planner & scenario writer Hina Futaba. The series was produced by MediaWorks, King Records, Lantis and Yomiko Advertising and animated by Feel, Studio Flag and Ufotable. Wikipedia