Plot: "Alaskan Bush People" is a reality-documentary series that introduces the Brown family -- Billy, wife Ami and their seven grown children who -- according to Discovery -- are interesting because "they are unlike any other family in America." The channel says they are so far removed from civilization...
Plot: Head to the Alaskan Bush with the Browns, a family with seven children who live off the grid and depend on each other to survive in the wilderness.
Plot: The Wolfpack look back on their unique family experiences. Gabe reveals a surprise for the Wolf Pack, while Bam plays nice with his siblings in an effort to break ground on his homestead. Bird and Gabe take action against a hungry predator.
Plot: Billy and Ami Brown take their seven children into the Alaskan wilderness to build a new home; now, they often go six to nine months each year without seeing an outsider, and they refer to themselves as a "Wolf Pack."