Plot: "Alaskan Bush People" is a reality-documentary series that introduces the Brown family -- Billy, wife Ami and their seven grown children who -- according to Discovery -- are interesting because "they are unlike any other family in America." The channel says they are so far removed from civilization...
Plot: Head to the Alaskan Bush with the Browns, a family with seven children who live off the grid and depend on each other to survive in the wilderness.
Plot: The Wolfpack look back on their unique family experiences. Gabe reveals a surprise for the Wolf Pack, while Bam plays nice with his siblings in an effort to break ground on his homestead. Bird and Gabe take action against a hungry predator.
Plot: The Kilcher family lives the frontier life in a homestead near Homer, Alaska, and deals with day-to-day challenges without the use of modern amenities.
Plot: Tanana, Alaska, is like the Pacific Northwest's version of Hotel California: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. Well, not exactly, but describing the town as remote is akin to saying the winters are chilly. Located at the junction of the Tanana and Yukon rivers deep in the...