Plot: A middle-class family suddenly penetrates their lives, a lawyer claims that the daughter of this family (Mai Ezz El-Din) is in fact not the daughter of (Hussein Fahmy), the head of the family, and that she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who left her and her mother (Raghda) great wealth. Family...
Plot: Saraya Abdeen is an Egyptian historical TV drama series, The first season was aired on MBC on 29 June 2014, written by Kuwaiti author Heba Meshari Hamada, directed by Amr Arafa, produced by Mahmood Shokri, and starring Qusai Khouli, Yousra, Nour, May Kassab, Ghada Adel and Nelly Karim. Wikipedia
Plot: The story revolves around Yassin, who has multiple female relationships, who disappears in mysterious circumstances and then falls into a coma, and the police begin to investigate how and the reasons for his disappearance, so that everyone around him will be accused, starting with the girl who loves...