Plot: Saraya Abdeen is an Egyptian historical TV drama series, The first season was aired on MBC on 29 June 2014, written by Kuwaiti author Heba Meshari Hamada, directed by Amr Arafa, produced by Mahmood Shokri, and starring Qusai Khouli, Yousra, Nour, May Kassab, Ghada Adel and Nelly Karim. Wikipedia
Plot: Vertigo Comics, also known as DC Vertigo or simply Vertigo, was an imprint of American comic book publisher DC Comics started by editor Karen Berger in 1993. Wikipedia
Plot: Khyber is a historical Arabic drama television show directed by Mohammed Azizia and written by Yosri El-Gendy. The show stars Ayman Zeidan, Ahmed Maher and Sameh Al-Saraiti. Wikipedia