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Adventures Abroad
Description: Hunting with an international flavor. Genre: Adventure Year Released: 2021 Number of episodes: 13 First episode air date: October 13, 2021 Network: Outdoor Channel Language: English
Plot: Many people consider professional wrestling to be cartoonish. Now it literally is, courtesy of "Mongo Wrestling Alliance." The series features young professional wrestler Rusty Kieberkuh, a newcomer to MWA, who is fighting to restore his family's name in the industry. Rusty's grandfather, Baron Kieberkuh...
Plot: This is one of those instances in which a cartoon is inappropriate for children. The titular character, a tough police detective who gets his name because he is an armed pair of buttocks on legs, fights crime in a small New Hampshire town. In this adult-oriented animated sitcom, stand-up comic Larry...
Plot: A perpetually drunken crow and his uncle, an alcoholic monkey, embark on a series of nautical adventures in this animated series adapted from the "Maakies" comic strip by Tony Millionaire.
Plot: After mastering immortality, mad scientist Victor Frankenstein turns his attention to time travel, creating a number of wormholes connected to his Eastern European village, allowing him access to any time and place. He uses these portals to conduct more of his scientific experiments.
Plot: "Stroker and Hoop" is an animated satire of '70s cop shows like "Starsky & Hutch." Though it takes place currently (mid-2000s, when it first aired), the title characters act and dress in 1970s style and are detectives in Los Angeles. Stroker Strockmeyer, a former mattress salesman, likes his PI work...
Plot: Gerald is a young boy determined to find a solution for his premature baldness. With the help of his mentor, Uncle Grandfather, and Rod the Anime God, Gerald pursues perfect hair and encounters strange individuals along the way -- like Action Hotdog, a flying hot dog. His nemesis, Coiffio the Evil...
Plot: Anyone who watches TV in the middle of the night is familiar with the phrase "but wait ... there's more" because late-night TV is filled with infomercials. But it's also filled with off-the-wall programming, thanks to Adult Swim. Now Adult Swim combines the two late-night staples with this parody of...
Plot: A computer programmer finds himself sucked into the World Wide Web, where an evil corporate executive hires a bounty hunter to track him down in this series of late-night comedy shorts.
Plot: This entry in the Adult Swim block of Cartoon Network is definitely not concerned with political correctness. In fact, with its stereotypical superheroes like El Jefe, Jewcano and Racist Frankenstein, it appears they're going in the opposite direction. These superheroes band together to battle villains...
Plot: Soul Quest Overdrive is an American adult animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. Soul Quest Overdrive is a spin-off of the Adult Swim series Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It was created by Aqua Teen Hunger Force creators Matt Maiellaro and Dave...
Plot: Saul Malone is a geologist, a "rock-jock" as he calls himself, who is socially awkward and a poor decision maker. So isn't he the person who you would want to have to save the Earth? That's exactly what he's asked to do when he goes on a mission to the center of the planet in an attempt to prove his...
Plot: Following a similar format to a former online show that Tom Green hosted, "Tom Green Live" features the comic interviewing a guest from the entertainment world. Most of the hourlong episodes feature an interview with a single guest who gets grilled by Green and viewers, who are able to ask questions...
Plot: John Herrick was the Captain of the tug "Cheryl Ann" in Los Angeles harbor. His family consisted of wife May, Police Detective son Jim, and the crew of the tug, his son Carl, Tip, and Willie. Carl was engaged to Terry. The stories revolved around the family and various criminals encountered around the...
Plot: Originally a short-form comedy series, "Laff Mobb's Laff Tracks" transitions to a full-blown half-hour of laughs courtesy of the next generation of funny men and women. The series, TruTV says, completely reinvents stand-up routines by having each joke brought to life by actors in over-the-top visual...
Plot: Tired of waiting for your ship to come in? Join host Kirsten Gum as she travels to find and uncover buried jewels, precious relics and other treasures, all located at sites that are accessible to the general public.
Plot: Bill's romance with sportswriter Mickey Riley is hampered by a child who is AWOL from military school and Mr. Fosdick's refusal to host an office Christmas party.
Plot: Mr. and Mrs. North is a 1942 American comedy mystery film directed by Robert B. Sinclair, starring Gracie Allen and William Post Jr. as detectives Pam and Jerry North. The screenplay was based on a 1941 Broadway play by Owen Davis, which in turn was based on a series of mystery novels by Frances and...
Plot: An adventurer with an overactive libido drags his straight-laced friend, a koala-like alien, across the cosmos in a never-ending search for a good time.