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The Restless Bell
Description: A parody of high school dramas. Genre: Comedy Year Released: 2012 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 4 First episode air date: September 3, 2012 Network: Cartoon Network
Plot: Gerald is a young boy determined to find a solution for his premature baldness. With the help of his mentor, Uncle Grandfather, and Rod the Anime God, Gerald pursues perfect hair and encounters strange individuals along the way -- like Action Hotdog, a flying hot dog. His nemesis, Coiffio the Evil...
Plot: "Stroker and Hoop" is an animated satire of '70s cop shows like "Starsky & Hutch." Though it takes place currently (mid-2000s, when it first aired), the title characters act and dress in 1970s style and are detectives in Los Angeles. Stroker Strockmeyer, a former mattress salesman, likes his PI work...
Plot: This is one of those instances in which a cartoon is inappropriate for children. The titular character, a tough police detective who gets his name because he is an armed pair of buttocks on legs, fights crime in a small New Hampshire town. In this adult-oriented animated sitcom, stand-up comic Larry...
Plot: King Star King is a muscular, modern he-man who is used to living among the gods. So his life takes a pretty big turn when he falls to Earth and finds himself working as a fry cook in a run-down waffle joint. To reclaim his spot in the heavens, King Star King must overcome amnesia to defeat evil Spring...
Plot: Adult Swim describes "The Heart, She Holler" as a "live-action soap opera about folk who ain't never used soap or seen an opera." Specifically, it's set in Heartshe Holler, a town with such a long history of inbreeding that its residents aren't, shall we say, normal. When Hurlan Heartshe -- the secret...
Plot: Writer Brad Neely, whose credits include popular animated series "South Park," created this animated sketch-comedy series that is made up of short -- some lasting just a few seconds -- skits, films and songs. Each 15-minute episode includes voiceover work by a guest star, joining a cast that includes...
Plot: A perpetually drunken crow and his uncle, an alcoholic monkey, embark on a series of nautical adventures in this animated series adapted from the "Maakies" comic strip by Tony Millionaire.
Plot: A computer programmer finds himself sucked into the World Wide Web, where an evil corporate executive hires a bounty hunter to track him down in this series of late-night comedy shorts.
Plot: Two burnt-out city cops relocate to a tropical paradise for a relaxing twilight to their careers; however, their new locale turns out to be the most unrelaxing place on Earth, and their captain is a champion shouter.
Plot: This entry in the Adult Swim block of Cartoon Network is definitely not concerned with political correctness. In fact, with its stereotypical superheroes like El Jefe, Jewcano and Racist Frankenstein, it appears they're going in the opposite direction. These superheroes band together to battle villains...
Plot: The Bob Clampett Show is an American animation anthology television series that aired on Cartoon Network from May 21, 2000, to March 11, 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Saul Malone is a geologist, a "rock-jock" as he calls himself, who is socially awkward and a poor decision maker. So isn't he the person who you would want to have to save the Earth? That's exactly what he's asked to do when he goes on a mission to the center of the planet in an attempt to prove his...
Plot: Anyone who watches TV in the middle of the night is familiar with the phrase "but wait ... there's more" because late-night TV is filled with infomercials. But it's also filled with off-the-wall programming, thanks to Adult Swim. Now Adult Swim combines the two late-night staples with this parody of...
Plot: Are you ready to rumble? As evidenced by the fighters on "Daytime Fighting League," you don't have to be a muscled-up person who spends all day at the gym to step inside a wrestling ring. This series gives everyday people a chance to compete in matches inside the ring, often involving bizarre challenges...
Plot: Many people consider professional wrestling to be cartoonish. Now it literally is, courtesy of "Mongo Wrestling Alliance." The series features young professional wrestler Rusty Kieberkuh, a newcomer to MWA, who is fighting to restore his family's name in the industry. Rusty's grandfather, Baron Kieberkuh...
Plot: Soul Quest Overdrive is an American adult animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. Soul Quest Overdrive is a spin-off of the Adult Swim series Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It was created by Aqua Teen Hunger Force creators Matt Maiellaro and Dave...