Plot: Dr. Zeynep (Berna Lacin), married with two children gets one day abducted from hospital by force and is urged to cure Resat, who has been seriously wounded in a fight. This event becomes a turning point in the young woman's life. She continuously has trouble with her teenage daughter Ozlem, who is always...
Plot: Nehir is a young single woman who runs a cake shop. Together with their 6-year-old daughter Akasya, they try to hold on to life. Although Oguz wants to get closer to Nehir, Nehir does not allow this approach.
Plot: Anyone has the chance to become a police officer when the minister of internal affairs devises a plan to pare down the crime rate and reconcile relations between the public and the police. According to his plan, anyone can become a police officer after undertaking a brief training session. To sabotage...
Plot: Asli meets Eren the day she finds out her boyfriend is married and asks him for a favor to join the dinner with her parents as her "boyfriend". Things go out of hand and soon enough, the two find themselves in a bizarre fake relationship.
Plot: Zumrut and Sener are a couple of middle ages running a restaurant. They live in the house on the top floor of the restaurant. Sener keeps going on his profligacy even though his wife loves Zumrut and does not hesitate. On the other hand, there will be sweet competition between the Japanese chef Makiko...
Plot: Belalı Baldız is the Turkish remake of the American sitcom Hope & Faith. The sitcom was produced by Med Productions. It was released in 2005 and aired on ATV Turkey. The show would also air in the Netherlands on RTL 5, with Dutch voice-overs. The stars of the sitcom were Berna Laçin, Nurgü...
Plot: Kibar Ana, her son and three daughters, loses her life because of Viagra, whom her husband takes too much, and then falls in the waters of the dam in the village and setstles next to her children in Istanbul.