Plot: Chef John Folse presents the Bayou State's signature Cajun and Creole dishes while examining its culinary history and the people of seven nations who immigrated there. From the contributions of English, French, German and Italian communities, Folse explains the influence these cultures have had on...
Plot: Louisiana's world famous cuisine takes center stage in this 13-part cooking series featuring chef John Folse. As he travels across the region, chef Folse meets with fishermen, shrimpers and everyday folk who live and work along the rivers, swamps and the Gulf of Mexico. Throughout the series chef Folse...
Plot: Join Maggie and Simon on their adventure through Australian culinary history. He might be a chef and she might insist on calling herself a cook, but together they are a celebration of Australian food.
Plot: In this simple-to-follow cookery course for people of all ages and abilities, Delia returns to the very roots of cooking to look at the techniques and the staple ingredients which underline the best traditions of British cookery. There are many irresistible reasons to join Delia Smith's cookery...
Plot: As a professional chef, fiery Gordon Ramsay is known for complex recipes. In this programme, however, he opts for simpler dishes to allow people to replicate them in their own homes. The recipes may be simpler and quicker to make than in his restaurant, but they're still the high-quality meals people...
Plot: Former boy-band member and veteran TV host Joey Fatone hosts this cooking show that forgoes celebrity chefs to tell the stories and highlight the recipes of amateur cooks. Those from around the country share details of their homemade specialties. Among the cooks and recipes featured are a cheerleader...
Plot: Gino D'Acampo won't be tapping his heels together and hoping a delicious meal appears. He'll hit the road to find one. The chef travels the country looking for home cooks who can reproduce a treasured family recipe, one that has been passed down from generation to generation, in a restaurant for paying...