Plot: Neil Oliver presents a drama-documentary series telling the tale of Scotland's 17th century civil war. When the Scottish Parliament, led by the Chief of Clan Campbell, declares war on Charles I, clans loyal to the King rise up in rebellion. At the heart of this epic struggle lies an ancient feud between...
Plot: On the night of Halloween, father and husband Craig Myers is brutally attacked, leading him to discover that an online post has accused him of being the notorious child killer, who was previously known as Eddie J Turner. An investigation into the attack and the post casts suspicion on Anna Dean, whose...
Plot: This is a story of IDA and KRISTER. It's about a relationship that goes to hell. They are both crazy in love but manage to strangle the supply of oxygen and adapt to each other in a way that will lead to catastrophic consequences.
Plot: Set in the same universe as `Doctor Foster', and by the hands of the same creator Bartlett, `Life' follows the lives and woes of the residents of a Manchester house divided into four different flats. Gemma Foster's neighbour, Emma, portrayed by `The Crown's Victoria Hamilton, now goes by the name of...
Plot: Stuck shearing sheep on an isolated island, surrounded by the ocean with nothing to enjoy but the bad weather and the company of his childhood friend, a man laments his situation in messages back to his wife on the mainland.
Plot: One of the U.K.'s longest-running series, "Taggart" is a gritty detective show based in Glasgow, Scotland. The show follows detectives in the Maryhill CID of Strathclyde Police as they investigate crimes, often murders. The personal relationships of the officers and their families is also explored...
Plot: He's a brash, perpetually drunk Scotsman whose desires in life are remarkably uncomplicated: get sauced at the local pub in Govan, hang with the mates and be the voice, however unwelcome at times, of the common man. This longtime comedy, the brainchild of writer Ian Pattison, stars Gregor Fisher as...
Plot: `Still Game' is a long-running Scottish sitcom, set in the fictional area of Craiglang in Glasgow and featuring characters from the series `Chewin' the Fat'. The show began in theatre before moving to radio and television, and proved so popular among its Scottish audience that it was broadcast nationally...