Plot: Narrated by Christopher Plummer, this seven-part production is a comprehensive guide through the history of the American movie industry. Each one-hour documentary focuses on a different era in American movies, spanning from the invention of the first moving pictures to the cutting-edge films of the...
Plot: The Mike Douglas Show was an American daytime television talk show that was hosted by Mike Douglas. It began as a local program in Cleveland before being carried on other stations owned by Westinghouse Broadcasting. The show went into national syndication and was moved to Philadelphia in 1965. Wikipedia...
Plot: Actor-director-comic Craig Ferguson takes over the late-late-night franchise at CBS, following "The Late Show With David Letterman." The Scottish import opens his show with a short monologue or sketch, and after that it's anyone's guess what will happen. From sketches with puppets to more skits to...
Plot: The Cinema Snob is an American comedy webseries created, edited, written, and starring American actor and filmmaker Brad Jones. It started in 2007 on YouTube before copyright claims caused Jones to move the series to its own personal site,, in August 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Jay Sherman is a New York film critic who has to review films he doesn't like for a living. Jay Sherman is an overweight and somewhat snobbish New York TV movie critic who is forced to review the most pathetic films to which is he always says, "It stinks." In addition to the film parodies, the show...
Plot: Kraft Television Theatre is an American anthology drama television series that began May 7, 1947 on NBC, airing at 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings until December of that year. It first promoted MacLaren's Imperial Cheese, which was advertised nowhere else. Wikipedia
Plot: Lux Video Theatre is an American television anthology series that was produced from 1950 until 1957. The series presented both comedy and drama in original teleplays, as well as abridged adaptations of films and plays. Wikipedia
Plot: Playhouse 90 was an American television anthology drama series that aired on CBS from 1956 to 1960 for a total of 133 episodes. The show was produced at CBS Television City in Los Angeles, California. Wikipedia
Plot: Schlitz Playhouse of Stars is an anthology series that was telecast from 1951 until 1959 on CBS. Offering both comedies and drama, the series was sponsored by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company. The title was shortened to Schlitz Playhouse, beginning with the fall 1957 season. Wikipedia
Plot: Get behind the scenes on the newest blockbusters that will explode in the cinemas with First Look, a dedicated show, showcasing best of Hollywood.
Plot: Tavis Smiley is an American talk show host and author. Smiley was born in Gulfport, Mississippi, and grew up in Bunker Hill, Indiana. After attending Indiana University, he worked during the late 1980s as an aide to Tom Bradley, the mayor of Los Angeles. Wikipedia
Plot: The host, Robert Osborne, interviews eminent Hollywood actors from the golden era of the 1920s - 1960s, and discusses their personal and professional lives.