Plot: Oteckovia is a Slovak family comedy-drama television series based on 2014 Argentine soap opera Señores Papis directed by Vladmir Fishcer and Adriana Totikova, produced by Michal KrajÄÃk, Helena Mindeková, Nikol Å mátralová, Ivica Dubovska, Alexandra Dubovská and Ján...
Plot: When Dr. Martin Gruber learns that his niece Lilli is in fact his daughter, he accepts the offer to take over a doctor's office in the Tyrolean mountains. He quickly becomes part of the village community.
Plot: A year has passed and the summer holidays are approaching again. The children can no longer wait to go to the cottage with their fathers. However, fathers have their heads full of duties this year. Jano has become the deputy headmaster at the school and has to draw up timetables over the summer. Zdeno...
Plot: SuperStar Search Slovakia was a casting television show based on the popular British show Pop Idol. The show was a contest to determine the best young singer in Slovakia and was shown by the national TV network STV from season 1 & 2. Season 3 was broadcast by private TV-channel MarkÃza. Wikipedia...
Plot: Za sklom is a Slovak police procedural television series created by a program director of TV JOJ Roland Kubina and produced by DNA Production. Series, which is inspired by real life, debuted on September 28, 2016 and tells the story of two elite cops who eventually find themselves on the opposite side...
Plot: Cennet'in GözyaÅları is a Turkish drama television series that aired on ATV from September 24, 2017 to June 17, 2018. It is based on the South Korean series titled Tears of Heaven. Wikipedia
Plot: Dance-loving celebrities compete against each other with a professional dance partner. Every week, a couple has to leave the show by audience vote.
Plot: Nový život is a Slovak prime time teen drama television series produced by Petr KoleÄko, Danica HriÄová, Sláva AdamÃková, Roland Kubina, the former two credited as creative producers while also Kubina assisted KoleÄko on composing theme music and directed...
Plot: Panelák is a Slovak daily television series that has been run since 18 February 2008 on TV JOJ. In the Slovak language Panelák means block of flats. It is soap opera about people who live in a block of flats and about their stories. Wikipedia
Plot: Äesko Slovensko má talent is a Czech-Slovak reality television series. It is televised talent show competition which started in August 2010 and originated from the Got Talent franchise. The show is a Thames production distributed by FremantleMedia and is produced in association with Syco...
Plot: A musical talent show, in which bands showcase their talent and the viewers are the judges, voting through an application during song performances.