Plot: Tvoja tvár znie povedome is a reality television series that is aired on MarkÃza. It is both based on the Endemol format Your Face Sounds Familiar and an adaptation of the Spanish "Tu cara me suena." The first season consisted of eight celebrities. The show was first aired on March 6, 2016. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Voice Äesko Slovensko is a reality singing competition and version of The Voice of Holland for Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is broadcast on TV Nova in Czech Republic and TV MarkÃza in Slovakia, both stations are owned by CME. It is derived from the original The Voice of Holland....
Plot: A musical talent show, in which bands showcase their talent and the viewers are the judges, voting through an application during song performances.
Plot: Cennet'in GözyaÅları is a Turkish drama television series that aired on ATV from September 24, 2017 to June 17, 2018. It is based on the South Korean series titled Tears of Heaven. Wikipedia
Plot: SestriÄky is a Slovak medical drama television series directed by Petr Nikolaev and BraÅo MiÅ¡Ãk and premiered on TelevÃza MarkÃza on September 4, 2018 starring KristÃna Svarinská, Aniko Vargová, Dana KoÅ¡icka, and KristÃna Madarová as ensemble roles. It...
Plot: Oteckovia is a Slovak family comedy-drama television series based on 2014 Argentine soap opera Señores Papis directed by Vladmir Fishcer and Adriana Totikova, produced by Michal KrajÄÃk, Helena Mindeková, Nikol Å mátralová, Ivica Dubovska, Alexandra Dubovská and Ján...