Plot: A pit hit by a gas explosion buries three men, leaving behind many unanswered questions. Intertwined alongside is the story of three young women.
Plot: If you yourself cannot release; then it will come to take a piece. A cynical experienced homicide detective based in Marseilles, France is crippled in the line of duty and depends on a wheelchair to get around. He is accompanied by a young ,vivacious female detective who's been forced on him to...
Plot: The series revolves around the people of Villeneuve, a fictional town in Jura district in the German-occupied France during the Second World War.
Plot: This French crime series explores the dark realms of the human mind with themes of vengeance. Three bodies with no apparent connection to each other are discovered in a show home, based in northern France. The police find the deceased man, woman and teenager staged as if they were a living family. Detective...
Plot: Larosiere, a police superintendent, exercises his passion for solving difficult cases. He is assisted by young Inspector Lampion, who is eager to learn the nuances of the job.
Plot: From executive producers Carlton Cuse ("Lost," "Bates Motel") and Raelle Tucker ("True Blood"), "The Returned" is set in a small town that is changed forever when a seemingly random collection of locals suddenly reappear. What they do not yet know is that they have been dead for several years, and...
Plot: Profilage is a French television series created by Fanny Robert and Sophie Lebarbier and broadcast since April 23, 2009 on TF1. In Belgium, the series has been broadcast on RTBF since May 25, 2013. Wikipedia