Description: This French crime series explores the dark realms of the human mind with themes of vengeance. Three bodies with no apparent connection to each other are discovered in a show home, based in northern France. The police find the deceased man, woman and teenager staged as if they were a living family. Detective Sandra Winckler arrives at the morbid scene to search for clues leading to the perpetrator but instead comes across a photo of ex-police officer Paul Maisonneuve. The retired policeman is forced to return to work in order to get to the bottom of the grim mystery.
Genre: Mystery
Year Released: 2015
Number of seasons: 2
Number of episodes: 14
First episode air date: March 18, 2015
Genre: Police procedural
Networks: France 2, Channel 4, RTBF, BBC Four
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Genre: Mystery
Year Released: 2015
Number of seasons: 2
Number of episodes: 14
First episode air date: March 18, 2015
Genre: Police procedural
Networks: France 2, Channel 4, RTBF, BBC Four
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