Plot: Ahmed and Salim is an animated web series created by Or Paz and Tom Trager. The series is a satirical parody on religious fundamentalists, or, as the creators define it: "A sitcom about terrorists". It debuted on 20 January 2009 and has since become an internet hit with over 2 million views and worldwide...
Plot: Duvdevani and Kovach is an Israeli comedy which made by Keshet Broadcasting starring by Lior Duvdevani and Ilan Kovach. The program originally premiered on 2011, on Bip channel and then aired on Channel 2 on Fridays. Wikipedia
Plot: Ktsarim is an Israeli sketch comedy series, broadcast on Channel 2, and based on the British comedy show The Sketch Show. The show is a series of sketches, often with a punch line at the end. It features: Moni Moshonov Keren Mor Shmulik Levy Riki Blich Yuval Segal Wikipedia
Plot: Meorav Yerushalmi is a play on words. It literally means "Jerusalem mix", as it's a drama about an Orthodox Jerusalem family whose children branch out on their own in terms of religious observance; and it also refers to a popular street food ("mixed grill") and a diner of the same name that the family...
Plot: The Reed sisters of Winnetka, Ill., are a close-knit group. Alex, Georgie, Teddy, Frankie and Charley navigate the waters of life's triumphs and tragedies with the help of their mom, Bea. And no matter what befalls them, they know they can count on their sisters to help pull them through.
Plot: Ramzor is an Israeli sitcom. The program was created by Adir Miller, who also co-authored the screenplay and also appears in the program in the leading role. The series ran for four seasons on Israeli Channel 2 between 2008รข2014. The fourth season was announced as the final one. Wikipedia...
Plot: Yellow Peppers is an Israeli drama television program about a family that raises an autistic child in a rural village lacking any therapeutic resources. The programme was well received by critics. It was also presented as a part to the World Autism Awareness Day at the United Nations. Wikipedia