Plot: "Irreversible" is a comedy series that follows a couple coping with their newborn baby - with an emphasis on their relationship and what's left of it after 'the bundle of joy' brings everything crashing down. Rona and Udi Klein are a pair of workaholic narcissists who, like many of their generation,...
Plot: Ramzor is an Israeli sitcom. The program was created by Adir Miller, who also co-authored the screenplay and also appears in the program in the leading role. The series ran for four seasons on Israeli Channel 2 between 2008รข2014. The fourth season was announced as the final one. Wikipedia...
Plot: Yellow Peppers is an Israeli drama television program about a family that raises an autistic child in a rural village lacking any therapeutic resources. The programme was well received by critics. It was also presented as a part to the World Autism Awareness Day at the United Nations. Wikipedia
Plot: An indie app developer struggles to navigate his friendship with a very taken girl, risking the loss of his best friend, business partner and career.
Plot: Polishuk is an Israeli political comedy television series. It tells the story of politician Rubi Polishuk, a member of the Melel Party who was unexpectedly appointed as the Minister for Social Advancement. The series stars Sasson Gabai as Polishuk. Wikipedia