Plot: After her favorite client dies in her taxi, Shirley Simmons inherits his company, Grayson Industries. She decides to run it with the help of Grayson's secretary Nancy and nephew Barton, facing off against her nemesis Mr. Cushing. Edna and Raymond are Shirley's parents. After her favorite client dies...
Plot: Nur Kasih is a 2009 Malaysian TV drama series directed by Kabir Bhatia for TV3. It starred Tiz Zaqyah, Remy Ishak, Fizz Fairuz, Sharifah Sofia and Jalaluddin Hassan. The series was later continued in a film by the same name two years later in 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Gerak Khas is a Malaysian police procedural television drama series broadcast on Radio Televisyen Malaysia. First aired on April 5, 1999, it become the longest-running drama series on Malaysian television with 19 seasons and more than 1,000 episodes aired as of 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Raja Lawak Astro is a Malaysian TV reality show that searches for comedic talent. It started broadcasting in early 2007. Every week contestants perform a joke according to the theme set on stage. They are judged to choose winners to proceed to the next round. Wikipedia