Plot: Akademi Fantasia is Malaysia's first reality television show in which a number of contestants called students compete for the winning title and a chance to start their career in the entertainment industry. The first season premiered on 3 June 2003 and was one of Astro Ria's highest rated shows. Wikipedia...
Plot: MasterChef Selebriti Malaysia is a Malaysian competitive cooking game show. It is spin-off of MasterChef Malaysia, itself an adaptation of the British show MasterChef, and features celebrity contestants. It began production in May 2012 and premiered on Astro Ria and Mustika HD on 25 May 2012. Wikipedia...
Plot: Raja Lawak Astro is a Malaysian TV reality show that searches for comedic talent. It started broadcasting in early 2007. Every week contestants perform a joke according to the theme set on stage. They are judged to choose winners to proceed to the next round. Wikipedia
Plot: Gerak Khas is a Malaysian police procedural television drama series broadcast on Radio Televisyen Malaysia. First aired on April 5, 1999, it become the longest-running drama series on Malaysian television with 19 seasons and more than 1,000 episodes aired as of 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Kau dan Aku is a Malaysian adaptation drama from a Venezuelan television series called Somos Tu Y Yo. This drama airs at Astro Ria every Saturday at 10 PM. Wikipedia
Plot: Fear Factor Malaysia is a Malaysian adaptation of the American TV show Fear Factor. The original network to carry this format originally is NTV7 on 27 August 2005. The series was first launched as Fear Factor Malaysia on NTV7 in 2005. However, the channel discontinued the series after 7 years. Wikipedia...
Plot: After her favorite client dies in her taxi, Shirley Simmons inherits his company, Grayson Industries. She decides to run it with the help of Grayson's secretary Nancy and nephew Barton, facing off against her nemesis Mr. Cushing. Edna and Raymond are Shirley's parents. After her favorite client dies...
Plot: Shang-Chi, el maestro del kung-fu sin armas, se ve obligado a enfrentarse a su pasado tras verse arrastrado a la organización de los Diez Anillos.