Plot: Tvoje Lice ZvuÄi Poznato is a Serbian talent show based on the Spanish franchise Your Face Sounds Familiar. The show began October 12, 2013 on Prva TV. The show involves ten celebrities portraying various iconic singers every week to win a financial donation for their chosen charity. Wikipedia...
Plot: Just the 2 of Us is a singing Greek talent show based on the original Britain concept Just the Two of Us. The show aired on Mega Channel on 2010 and 2014 and from 2020 is airing on Open TV. The Greek version of the show consists of three seasons. Wikipedia
Plot: Ples sa zvijezdama is the Croatian version of Dancing with the Stars and translates precisely such. Nine seasons have aired on HRT1 from 2006 to 2013 with a ninth season airing on Nova TV in 2019. Currently, there is no announcement regarding a second season on Nova. Wikipedia
Plot: Kud puklo da puklo is a Croatian comedy telenovela produced by Nova TV. It is an original story starring Mirna MedakoviÄ, MomÄilo OtaÅ¡eviÄ, and Ivan Herceg. It is also broadcast in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, and Slovenia. The first season was aired from September 15,...
Plot: Every talent is welcome in this show and everyone is allowed to present their skills. Different amateur artists face their audiences with their skills and show no fear.
Plot: Na granici is a Croatian television comedy created by Vlado BuliÄ, Mirna MiliÄiÄ and Goran Rukavina. It was released on September 9, 2018 on Nova TV. It is considered a spiritual successor to 2014 series Kud puklo da puklo which was created by the same authors. Wikipedia