Plot: Carmen Sandiego is certainly elusive. The criminal has been avoiding capture in various video games and TV shows for years. This time around it's up to Ivy and her younger brother, Zack -- who work for Acme Detective Agency -- to track down and foil the villainess, who works with a gang of henchmen...
Plot: Ella Bella Bingo is a pre-school animated TV series, co-produced by Singapore based August Media Holdings and Norwayâs Kool Produktion AS. The show revolves around the adventures of a 5-year-old girl called Ella, who lives along with her family and friends in Sunshine Gardens. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Wayne, a New York apartment building, is unlike anything ever experienced. Ansi Molina, a newcomer to the residence, has lived in many different places with his family. Although he doesn't have many friends he is comforted by his books. Ansi is joined by Olly Timbers, who is the outgoing type,...
Plot: Resourceful 7-year-old Zack lives in a pop-up book with best friend Quack, a curious young duck. The world of the book is full of fantastic surprises -- exciting, unexpected things happening with the pull of each tab. All of Zack's adventures begin in the pop-up treehouse in his backyard, which can...
Plot: Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong will. That doesn't bode well for 13-year-old Milo Murphy, a descendant of the man for whom the law was named, and who feels like he's living it. Milo is always expecting the unexpected. He's prepared for anything that comes his way, though, as he...