Plot: Ultimate Spider-Man is a superhero comic book series that was published by Marvel Comics from 2000 to 2011. The series is a modernized re-imagining of Marvel's long-running Spider-Man comic book franchise as part of the company's Ultimate Marvel imprint. Wikipedia
Plot: A meteor crash leaves mysterious stones to be discovered by three friends in the forest. The ancient tablets give the kids power to summon dinosaur companions and they form D-team. The villainous Alpha Gang wants control of the relics but the D-team is always working to save the day.
Plot: Teenagers transported from Earth become pilots for robotic lions to fight in an intergalactic war. The Paladins of Voltron must learn to work as a team to assemble the robot Voltron and use its power to conquer the Galra Empire.
Plot: This animated series based on the blockbuster film of the same name follows the newly formed team that has found a strange artifact linked to the DNA of Peter Quill. When he opens it, Quill unleashes a map that leads to the location of the Cosmic Seed, a powerful weapon that has the ability to give...
Plot: The speedy blue hedgehog gets a new look in this comedy/adventure series that sees him battling a familiar foe with sidekick Tails and pals Knuckles, Amy and Sticks. The gang tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman, who is hellbent on taking over the world. Sonic faces regular battles with Eggman...
Plot: Sensei Wu recruits four Ninjas, including Kai, a young sword-maker looking for his sister, and trains them for a specific task. They must find the four weapons of Spinjitzu before it's too late.
Plot: More than two years have passed since the most recent adventures in the Hidden Leaf Village, ample time for ninja wannabe Naruto Uzumaki to have developed skills worthy of recognition and respect. The hyperactive youngster has trained extensively with Jiraiya-sama and returned to Konoha to reunite...
Plot: A young boy with the ability to manipulate natural elements wakes up from a 100-year-long hibernation. He then sets off to use his mystical powers and save the world from destruction.
Plot: Jonathan Joestar, nicknamed JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune. To do this, Dio uses the power of an ancient stone mask, which allows him to become a powerful vampire. The hybrid anime series takes pieces from...
Plot: Bakugan began emerging from the earth's crust in a mysterious worldwide phenomenon called "awakening." Dan and his friends are at the center of this new era, where they learn that they have to look further than just fame in the post-Bakugan world. They use their knowledge to learn to work with their...
Plot: Spider-Man joins hands with other superheroes to thwart villains from executing their evil plans. In the process, he learns about the importance of teamwork, cooperation and friendship.
Plot: Adapted from the "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game series and re-edited for a younger audience, this Japanese anime follows the adventures of Sonic and his friends after an explosion transfers them to the human world. There, Sonic is rescued by a 12-year-old boy named Chris, and together they must stop...
Plot: This computer-animated series follows the adventures of Po, the energetic Dragon Warrior panda first introduced in the popular "Kung Fu Panda" feature film. Po, aided by mentor Shifu and the Furious Five -- Tigress, Mantis, Crane, Monkey and Viper -- now lives at the Jade Palace with the rest of the...
Plot: When new Decepticons appear, Optimus Prime summons Bumblebee and gives him the task of saving Earth. To help him, the veteran Autobot assembles a rogue team of young bots to capture the new enemies. The new Autobot recruits include a rebel "bad boy," an elite guard cadet, a bombastic dinobot and a...
Plot: Falcon joins the Avengers, a superhero team comprising Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow, and fights evil foes who cannot be defeated single-handedly.
Plot: "Big Hero 6 The Series" takes place after the events of the film "Big Hero 6" and continues the adventures of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro Hamada. He is joined by the compassionate robot Baymax which is created by Hiro's brother, Tadashi. Hiro and Baymax are also joined by their friends, including...
Plot: Comic-book superheroes -- including Hulk, Iron Man and Thor -- join forces to become the Avengers as they fight villains who have escaped from the Vault, the Cube, the Big House and the Raft. Among the villains the Avengers battle are Red Skull, Grim Reaper, Wonder Man and Cobra.
Plot: The Rover K-series engine is a series of internal combustion engines built by Powertrain Ltd, a sister company of MG Rover. The engine was a straight-four cylinder built in two forms, SOHC and DOHC, ranging from 1.1 to 1.8 L; 67.9 to 109.6 cu in. Wikipedia
Plot: Young beetle Dylan and his friends Hailey and Ollie team up to compete against tough opponents in the exciting, high-octane sport of Battle Blading.
Plot: After the death of his grandfather, Mike discovers that he belongs to a family of vigilante ninjas. Along with his two friends, Mike enters the world of watchdogs and forms a team called Supah Ninjas.
Plot: Randy Cunningham is a ninth-grader who is an unlikely hero with a superhuman ninja suit, the NinjaNomicon. Randy uses the suit and help from his best friend, Howard, to battle evil while trying to survive high school and guard his secret identity -- all while trying to protect his school and the world...
Plot: This entry in Cartoon Network's popular `Ben 10' franchise features the superhero exploring the quirky side of the alien underworld in a secret alien city. Although Ben's ready to work alone, Grandpa Max teams him with a new, by-the-book partner. Along the way, Ben discovers enemies from his past looking...
Plot: When the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku sends the young samurai Jack into a dystopian future, he must find a portal back to his own time to undo Aku's destruction and defeat him.
Plot: Superheroes are often as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians, and sometimes even as revered as gods. But that's when they're using their powers for good. What happens when the heroes go rogue and start abusing their powers? When it's the powerless against the super powerful, the Boys...
Plot: 16-year-old Max discovers that he possesses supernatural abilities. With his alien friend Steel he learns to take advantage of those capabilities and together he and Steel combine to become the world's greatest superhero. They join forces to fight the bullies and super-villains threatening their world...
Plot: Valt Aoi, an elementary school student, starts practising Beyblades, spinning tops enchanted with magical spirits of different creatures, to work his way up and become a world class player.
Plot: When monsters begin to descend upon their city, Ryan Walker and his friends decide to use a giant robot that he has mysteriously awakened to fight the creatures and protect their loved ones.
Plot: Keeping the peace in Train World is no easy task, but as five trains with the power to transform into robots work together, every crisis becomes an adventure.
Plot: The five Power Rangers set out to battle against the evil forces. However, they must first learn the ancient Samurai symbols of power to control elements like fire, water, sky, forest, and earth.