Plot: A Man's life on his farm is interrupted when a cop and a pair of dangerous criminals show up. Two best friends , working together at the Egyptian museum. Farag was rehearsing a new Egyptian local beat that he composed. Taken by the hype beats, he smashed a monument and broke its arm.. When his friend...
Plot: In 1915, Tom and Viv elope, but her gynecological and emotional problems disrupt their honeymoon. Her father is angry because Tom's poetry doesn't bring in enough to live, but her mother is happy Viv has found a tender and discreet husband.
Plot: Ahd is a wealthy woman who's the head of the family, and she has always depended on coffee readings to predict significant and life-altering events in her personal and family lives, but she gradually learns that her own family is plotting against her. Ahd is a wealthy woman who's the head of the...