Description: Genre: Talk-Show Year Released: 2016 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 13 First episode air date: October 22, 2016 Language: Brazilian Portuguese Cast: Tiago Leifert
Plot: Mister Brau is a Brazilian musical comedy television series created by Jorge Furtado that originally aired from 22 September 2015 to 12 June 2018, on Rede Globo. The series aired over four seasons with a total of 54 episodes and 3 specials. The series centers on the two leads: Lázaro Ramos and Ta...
Plot: Praça TV is a Brazilian television programming block broadcast on Rede Globo, where time is set aside for local newscasts on affiliated or owned and operated stations. Wikipedia
Plot: Popstars was a short-lived reality music talent show that was broadcast on ITV in early 2001. It was the first UK series of the international Popstars franchise, and was billed as a documentary on the formation of a modern pop group. Wikipedia