Plot: SpangaS is a Dutch youth series, created by the NCRV and the makers of ZOOP. The television series revolves around the lives of a group of students at Spangalis College. Episodes revolve around a wide range of student activities and personal drama during secondary education. Wikipedia
Plot: De Luizenmoeder is a Dutch comedy series broadcast by AVROTROS on NPO 3. The series is about an elementary school, called "De Klimop", its teachers, its principal, and the parents of its first grade students. Wikipedia
Plot: The First Years is a Dutch mockumentary series, sometimes described as a "scripted reality" series, about students at a junior high school. The first episode aired on May 26, 2014 by NPO Zapp. The 2019 film Brugklas: De tijd van m'n leven is based on this television series. Wikipedia
Plot: A weekly investigative Current Affairs show featuring thought-provoking journalism the brings together a team of seasoned investigative journalists whose voices, faces and backgrounds reflect South Africa's multicultural diversity.
Plot: Verborgen Verhalen (hidden stories) are true stories retold. Every story starts with a quote from the bible. Every episode is a rounded story, recognizable to teenagers.