Plot: Atelier series is a franchise of role-playing video games developed by the Gust Corporation since 1997, primarily for the PlayStation line of consoles; portable versions for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita and WonderSwan Color have...
Plot: Whispering Corridors is a South Korean supernatural horror film series. The series uses an all-girls high school as the backdrop for each of its films. Every Whispering Corridors film features a different plot, characters and settings. Wikipedia
Plot: After being expelled from an elite academic program, a student finds herself tangled up in the affairs of a school gang while searching for her own identity.
Plot: A group of men and women, each burdened with a dark secret, look for love in this dating show with a twist; hosted by reformed playboy Atsushi Tamura.
Plot: A group of homeless men perform contracted assassinations, flaying their targets and delivering the tattooed skins as proof of the agreements' fulfilment.
Plot: Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual problem threatens to destroy their relationship.
Plot: People bring their tales of missed lust connections to an objective panel of experts, who then decide whether they could have gone all the way or not.
Plot: Frustrated by life with her boyfriend, thirty-something Wako can't stop herself from being interested in high schooler Yumeaki, despite their age gap.
Plot: This drama series tells the tale of Rio, a jaded rom-com screenwriter in her 30s who doesn't know what to do for her next story. In search of a new idea, she -- under the guise of providing romantic advice -- mines four lovesick women for their experiences. When she spots a common thread between what...
Plot: Seven transfer students -- who are all named Kakeru -- are called to a high school run by a mysterious headmaster. It's not your typical school, though, as all disputes are solved fighting. The students are also sent on missions, including teaching a lesson to a spoiled bat who has taken over the school...
Plot: A teenager has finally gotten her own apartment. The only problem is that she's sharing it with the most popular boy in school, and they have to keep it a secret.