Plot: Unbeknownst to many, the coasts of America are home to over 18,000 named islands, with thousands more too small to name. Following his experiences exploring the islands of Australia and Britain, Martin Clunes sets off on an epic journey to discover what lies beyond the mainland of America and to challenge...
Plot: English actress Alison Steadman travels to some of Britain's remote islands to explore the natural landscapes that exist there. The series celebrates Britain's 267 inhabited islands, their wildlife and communities. Episodes follow Steadman on her journey as she meets people who have adapted to island...
Plot: Well-known for its incredible size, it is a lesser-known fact that Australia also includes more than 8,000 islands. Actor Martin Clunes travels to 16 of the best, such as Norfolk Island, the Tiwi Islands, Maria Island and more, which have been chosen because they provide a clear cross-section of what...