Plot: After building up a following -- and, at times, controversy -- for over a decade at ESPN Radio, opinionated host Colin Cowherd has brought his midday talk show, "The Herd," to the FOX Sports family. This FS1 simulcast of the daily FOX Sports Radio program features Cowherd's sometimes-polarizing, but...
Plot: As the hosts of "Speak for Yourself," polarizing personalities Colin Cowherd and Jason Whitlock steer the daily studio show by presenting uniquely differing sports viewpoints. Friends and colleagues for several years, the always outspoken duo covers the biggest news and headlines each day, while additional...
Plot: Since 2004, Colin Cowherd has provided his unique take on the latest sports happenings on "The Herd," his daily ESPN Radio show, and from 2009-2012 did the same on TV on ESPN2's "SportsNation." With this weekly show, airing Sunday mornings during football season, Colin focuses on the weekend's college...
Plot: Colin Cowherd's arrival at Fox Sports after a long tenure at ESPN was celebrated in part by FS1 providing a sizeable new L.A. studio space for his popular radio show, "The Herd." Cast changes also came about, notably with the addition of Kristine Leahy, whose sidekick role mainly consists of providing...
Plot: Sportswriter-turned-TV personality Skip Bayless knows a thing or two about sports debates after participating in them for more than a decade at a competing network's morning show. Now at FS1, he gets top billing on "Skip and Shannon: Undisputed," a daily show that sees Bayless offering his hot takes...
Plot: Fox Sports' first foray into early morning TV is headed by sports media personality Nick Wright, who is joined by longtime broadcaster Jenna Wolfe as co-host. Filmed in New York, the daily program features the hosts talking about the day's top sports stories and debating headline-making issues. "First...