Plot: Press Your Luck is an American television game show created by Bill Carruthers and Jan McCormack. It premiered on CBS daytime on September 19, 1983, and ended on September 26, 1986. The format is a retooling of an earlier Carruthers production, Second Chance, hosted by Jim Peck and which aired on ABC...
Plot: Luna the moon guides three friends -- a wombat, a butterfly and a frog -- as they visit new places around the world with their parents' travelling performance troupe.
Plot: Created by viewer demand, the series is a spinoff of "This Old House" and answers specific remodeling questions that viewers send in. The cast includes host Kevin O'Connor, general contractor Tom Silva, heating/plumbing master Richard Trethewey and landscaper Roger Cook, who spend the hour focusing...
Plot: Earth science and astronomy take center stage in this animated series from PBS Kids. Two neighborhood kids -- Sean and Sydney -- befriend the new kid on the block, Jet Propulsion, who just happens to be an alien from planet Bortron 7. Together they explore the solar system and how it affects the planet...
Plot: Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? is a game show franchise that was co-created and produced by Mark Burnett, based on the game created by Howard Stern for The Howard Stern Show. Adult contestants answer questions as if they came from an elementary grade school quiz. Wikipedia
Plot: Growing up in racially segregated Birmingham, Alabama, during the 1960's, Rene and Mary Elizabeth manage to stick together despite community intolerance of "mixed" friendships. Many years later, following the death of her father, Rene returns home and reunites with Mary Elizabeth. The women realize...
Plot: Journalist Jim Cotter explores the variety, quality and heritage of creativity in Philadelphia and beyond. Featuring a wide variety of artists from a diverse range of disciplines and locations, the series explores life through art, culture and creative expression. Guests featured throughout the series...
Plot: Meteorologist Dylan Dreyer travels to the wildest points on the globe, ranging from Africa to Indochina and the Middle East, as well as untamed islands, coming face-to-face with native animals and uncovering the connection between the environment, wildlife and human beings of exotic locales.
Plot: Does math seem boring? Having trouble understanding all those numbers? "Look Kool" is the answer to that seemingly unsolvable question. Hamza and his friend Kool Kat bring an element of fun to geometry with interactive skits and songs to help viewers remember and understand all the way to using cartoons...
Plot: With the help of experts and scientists from the Consumer Reports labs and testing facilities, host Jack Rico explores the surprisingly intricate science used to test every kind of product -- from the obscure to the fascinating to the everyday. Aimed at giving teens the tools they need to make smarter...
Plot: Paid Programming is a television pilot for Cartoon Network's late night programing block that premiered, unannounced, in the United States on the night of November 2, 2009, and was then re-aired every Monday through Friday night until December 4, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: A garden can be much more than just a place for planting flowers or growing assorted vegetables. Host P. Allen Smith shares his years of expertise and design flair to help viewers create actual garden rooms, which can be used for different functions such as dining, entertaining and playing. These sp...