Plot: In the city of Miami Beach came the idea of surprising tourists and messing with the locals routine through uncommon and funny tactics. By showing them spicy situations in which visitors to this sunny city become the stars. "Locos y Sueltos" is born. The show is hosted by Santamonica, whose debut has...
Plot: Lo que callamos las mujeres, is a Mexican anthology television series which deals with the social problems of Mexican society. The show started airing on the Mexican television network Azteca 13 as a way to compete with Canal de las Estrellas' Mujer, casos de la vida real. Wikipedia
Plot: Nosotros los guapos is a Mexican sitcom that premiered on Blim on August 19, 2016. The series is created and produced by Guillermo del Bosque for Televisa. The series stars Adrián Uribe and Ariel Miramontes. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on the original story by Martin Hahn, The Wife of Judas is filled with mystery and murder and keeps the viewers on the edge of the seat wondering what will happen next. (43 min) A Wine Heiress Is Wrongfully Accused Of A Clergyman's Horrific Murder And She Is Unlawfully Incarcerated,Fast Forward...
Plot: Raid the Cage or Kluv Hazahav, is an Israeli game show, where couples complete trivia and physical challenges to haul prizes from a gigantic cage before the doors slam shut. The original version aired on Channel 2, and hosted by Avi Kushnir. The show is distributed worldwide by Sony Pictures Television...
Plot: A romantic and hardworking woman whose main objective is to find true love not because she does not wish to remain a spinster, so she asks the angels to help find him.
Plot: Recreating stories and situations that are similar to common sayings in pop culture. An interesting and moving story is dramatized, representing a specific saying chosen for each episode.
Plot: Decisiones: Unos ganan, otros pierden, is a new season of the anthology drama television series Decisiones. The season is produced by Telemundo Global Studios, and is recorded in 4K Ultra-high-definition television. Martha Godoy serves as showrunner of the season. It premiered on 10 December 2019 on...