Plot: `Still Game' is a long-running Scottish sitcom, set in the fictional area of Craiglang in Glasgow and featuring characters from the series `Chewin' the Fat'. The show began in theatre before moving to radio and television, and proved so popular among its Scottish audience that it was broadcast nationally...
Plot: The Thompsons, a refined British family, are in for a shock when their daughter, Rachel, returns home after a gap year with a hippy American husband, Cuckoo.
Plot: Basil Fawlty, an intolerant and rude manager tries to run the hotel, constantly under verbal attack from his unhelpful wife Sybil and hindered by the incompetent Manuel; their Spanish waiter.
Plot: A group of nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s deal with the pressures of their day-to-day lives while trying to cope with the changes in the world around them.