Plot: World War II lasted for six years, from 1939 to 1945 and with such a lengthy conflict, there were many significant events that took place during the war This documentary series chronologically tracks the key events of the conflict, using archival footage to tell the story of the war. Beginning with...
Plot: A rare insight into the events of the Second World War through the eyes of the German side. Through the perspective of the Third Reich, a journey from the front line to the offices of Hitler's high command.
Plot: In a follow-up to his earlier series, `Andrew Marr's History of Modern Britain,' the journalist and political commentator examines events in British history beginning with the death of Queen Victoria and the Boer War to the end of the Second World War. That 44-year span, though brief, was a period...
Plot: Wilhelm and his younger friends, Friedhelm, Charlotte, Viktor and Greta, part ways in the summer of 1941 in Berlin, with the promise to reunite after the war.
Plot: This series explores famous battles focusing on the battlefield itself. Episodes takes an important battle and tell its story based on recent scientific research. The battles featured in the series include Hastings, Agincourt, Waterloo and the Charge of the Light Brigade.
Plot: Key military decisions and battles crucially impact the fate of millions during the course of World War II in the Atlantic, North Africa and Europe.