Plot: Behind the Scenes was a 10-part television miniseries aimed towards 8- to 12-year-olds about various aspects of the arts, that was broadcast on PBS in 1992. The series was executive produced by Alice Stewart Trillin and Jane Garmey, produced and directed by Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer, and hosted...
Plot: If there are two things people like, it's scandals and celebrities, which are the two main topics on "Hollywood Scandals." The documentary series explores some of pop culture's biggest controversies and most enigmatic people, with each hourlong episode focusing on a single subject, ranging from overarching...
Plot: Get behind the scenes on the newest blockbusters that will explode in the cinemas with First Look, a dedicated show, showcasing best of Hollywood.
Plot: A rookery of penguins with attitude -- leader Skipper, brainy Kowalski, loony Rico and young Private -- in Central Park Zoo embarks on what it sees as a series of strike-force missions until confronting an unwelcome challenge to its dominance from a new zoo resident: Julien, King of the Lemurs, in a...
Plot: "E! True Hollywood Story" delves into issues of spirituality, music, drugs, fame, and celebrity and will also have some of Hollywood's insider names give their take on gripping stories trending in pop culture. Each episode features captivating first-person accounts and POVs of trendsetters, visionaries...
Plot: heute is a television news program on the German channel ZDF. The main program is broadcast at 19:00, and includes news, with an emphasis on political news from Germany, Europe and the world, plus 'mixed' news from cultural life or entertainment, and the sports news with an extra presenter. Wikipedia...