Plot: Six years in the making, Ken Burns' seven-part documentary series chronicles the horrifying historical impact of World War II from an American perspective by focusing on the personal stories of private citizens from four American towns: Waterbury, Connecticut; Mobile, Alabama; Sacramento, California...
Plot: A six-hour programme details events during three decades in which two world wars caused terrible death and devastation. It depicts the battles through the eyes of powerful men like Roosevelt, Hitler and Mussolini. The documentary shows the conflicts in a continuous timeline from 1914 to 1945, with the...
Plot: An in depth look at the most elite regiment in the British Army: the Parachute Regiment. A group of young soldiers are followed over the course of a year as they undergo intensive selection and training and face their first major assignment. The soldiers discuss their personal experiences of training...
Plot: Iconic moments in the history of warfare including the D-Day landings, the ill-fated airborne operation at Arnhem, the German counterattack at the Battle of the Bulge and the dash for one of the last bridges standing across the Rhine at Remagen.
Plot: Delving into the heart of the Second World War through sensational firsthand accounts of the hostility and heroics that dominated the defining conflict of the 20th century.
Plot: On the 1st September 1939, Hitler attempted to justify Germany's invasion of Poland. Of course, the invasion, which plunged the world into WWII, was not an act of defence at all.
Plot: An account of some of the little-known and incredible stories of prisoners of war and Allied soldiers escaping from Nazi occupied territory to safety during the Second World War.
Plot: Adapted from the book `Bloody April' by historian Peter Hart, this two-part miniseries delves into the story of the Royal Flying Corps' struggle for air superiority over the Western Front in WWI. Scripted film scenes, archive footage and the diaries of RFC veterans from Britain, Canada, Australia and...