Plot: Known primarily for his angling exploits on "Babe Winkelman's Good Fishing," the sportsman moves on to stalking different types of critters in this companion series. Here, Winkelman travels to assorted hunting and fishing sites on the North American continent, sharing his tips and traditions for fellow...
Plot: Filmed on the many venues that surround the Baja California Peninsula, "Fish the Baja" highlights the diverse species available in these rich waters and the fishing adventures there of award-winning producer and host Dave Maynard, who offers surf, spin, conventional and fly-fishing tips and techniques...
Plot: Professional bass fisherman and TV personality Mike "Ike" Iaconelli searches for the world's most iconic fish living alongside some of the world's busiest concrete jungles.
Plot: The team fish new and familiar waters using all the top-of-the-line equipment and products this sport has to offer. Mike Keyes shares his knowledge of musky fishing.
Plot: From basics to advanced techniques, experts and guests offer novice and experienced anglers advice for catching pike, trout, salmon, bass and other fresh- and salt-water fish native to North America. Episodes include underwater footage, animated sequences and aerial shots of North American landscapes...