Plot: Love Generation is a drama that aired on Fuji TV. It first aired in Japan from October 13, 1997 to December 22, 1997 every Monday. It enjoyed a very high rating of 30.8% and features music by Cagnet. The theme song was "Shiawase na Ketsumatsu" by Eiichi Ohtaki. Wikipedia
Plot: Two murders that shook the small town of Ada, Okla., in the 1980s gained national attention and even led to renowned author John Grisham writing a nonfiction book about the crimes. Now Grisham serves as an executive producer for this six-part docuseries -- which shares its name with his 2006 book --...
Plot: Sammy is often confused for a boy due to her appearance. So when she lands a job at a coffee shop, she keeps the ruse going. Problems arise when Harry, her boss, starts falling in love with her.
Plot: A woman with a chance to climb up in social status ends up falling into a bottomless pit instead. She tries to seek happiness from where she is at.
Plot: Cha Eun Sang and her disabled mother take up humiliating jobs such as washing dishes to support her older sister's studies in America. She is fed up of her dull life in Korea.
Plot: When Jo Kang Ja learns that her daughter is being intimidated by some classmates, she decides to enroll in high school as an undercover student to teach the bullies a lesson.