Plot: The Wanderers is a teenage, Italian gang in Bronx, NYC, 1963. They have their confrontations with other gangs. Drugs and weapons are uncool. Adult life awaits them. Set against the urban jungle of 1963 New York's gangland subculture, this coming of age teenage movie is set around the Italian gang...
Plot: Graffiti, muralism and street art are a massive global phenomenon. Get inside the heads of eight bold, self-starter artists who are shaping our culture, changing the face of our cities and creating a new future of contemporary art in their image.
Plot: The schools of art, artists and commercial designers who created Chicago as it is known today, from photographer Vivian Maier to the two artists who designed the Cubs uniform.
Plot: Tony heads to the streets to chat to different street artists about what inspires their pieces. From discrete works to large-scale murals, these artists continue to comment on social issues and take an anti-capitalist stance.
Plot: Inside Art' celebrates the UK arts scene, talks to curator, artists and art lovers, and explores the stories behind the artwork. Presenter Kate Bryan conducts the viewer through new and unusual art exhibitions across the United Kingdom.