Plot: Each episode of this true-crime reality series examines a different felon, usually a female, who has committed murder or attempted murder. The victim is usually the perpetrator's partner. The documentary-style series features interviews with friends and family members of the accused and victims, law...
Plot: In America CNN is by and large still a cable news outlet, but a movement under the leadership of network president Jeff Zucker to provide more alternative, entertainment-based programming is clearly afoot, and `Death Row Stories' is a prime example. The eight-part documentary - the result of a collaboration...
Plot: True crime series that examines some of the most notorious murderers in the United Kingdom. Each episode focuses on an infamous case in Britain, and looks into what exactly drove the killers to commit their crimes. Perpetrators who are profiled in the show include Ian Huntley, Mick Philpott, Levi Bellfield...
Plot: The long-running "Lockup" reality TV franchise interviews inmates and employees at correctional facilities around the world. This series focuses on women in prisons across America. The show tells stories of female inmates, including the challenges they face whether they're locked up for small infractions...
Plot: Featuring never before seen footage with unprecedented access to prisons across America, this crime documentary series gives an in-depth insight into the stories of prisoners who are awaiting their fate on death row. Each episode profiles a different prisoner convicted of capital murder and sentenced...
Plot: Ted Bundy was one of America's most notorious serial killers. He was convicted in the deaths of more than 30 women before being caught in 1978. Thirty years after Bundy's 1989 execution, this docuseries brings viewers into the mind of the criminal known as the "Jack Ripper of the United States." Oscar...
Plot: When and how a person will die is unknown until it actually happens. Unless that person is on death row, where inmates are told the precise day, hour and minute of their deaths. This series documents the story of crime and the death penalty as filmmaker Werner Herzog interviews American inmates as they...
Plot: If someone told the women featured on `Wives With Knives' to cut the men out of their lives, the women took the advice literally. The series recounts real stories of women who stabbed their significant others, some of them fatally. The motivations for committing the crimes varied -- many of the attackers...
Plot: Women in Prison is an American television sitcom created by Katherine Green which aired on Fox from October 11, 1987 to February 20, 1988. Wikipedia