Plot: Poison Ivy is an erotic thriller film series that consists of four films. The first three films in the series deal with the implications of an emotionally neglected, sexually assertive young woman's ... Wikipedia
Plot: When Leonard Jones is found murdered, Detective Christopher Foyle is called to investigate the case. He immediately suspects a Russian prisoner of war, Niko, to be directly involved in Jones' murder.
Plot: In the first of the Angélique series, the beautiful feisty teenage heroine becomes entangled in a political assassination plot and is betrothed to a stranger who is twelve years her senior and a reputed sorcerer. In this first part of the Angélique cycle, set in Mid-17th century France under the young...
Plot: Catherine Beaulieu est une trentenaire déjantée, obstinée, profiteuse, un peu naïve et sexy qui n'a pas vraiment le sens des responsabilités. Elle cohabite avec son amie d'enfance, la très organisée Sophie Gaucher, une spécialiste de l'humour noir et des remarques assassines. Elles travaillent...