Plot: Daniel Garcia is working in the family bakery and doing everything that his loving Cuban parents and siblings expect him to do, until his life changes unexpectedly on a wild Miami night with a chance encounter with Noa Hollander at a fancy restaurant. Noa is an international superstar, the daughter...
Plot: Twelve-year-old Elena, a Cuban-American girl, navigates the ups and downs of middle school and begins her journey to become the future president of the United States.
Plot: Elizabeth Thatcher is a young teacher accustomed to high society, so she experiences culture shock when she gets her first classroom assignment in Coal Valley. Life in the small mining town is filled with challenges. A recent explosion has killed more than a dozen of the town's miners, compelling the...
Plot: Robert Crawley risks losing the family estate after his heirs die in the Titanic. Soon, the Crawleys are introduced to Matthew, the next heir in line, who resists the aristocratic way of life.
Plot: Dogs from all over the globe travel through magical portals disguised as fire hydrants to a secret place where they are trained by an esteemed canine faculty to become man's best friend.
Plot: After the death of his mother, Joshua decides to live with his grandmother, who heads a criminal clan. His life takes a turn as he gets involved with his cousins and their criminal activities.
Plot: A 15-year-old from Los Angeles spends the summer at her mother's childhood home on an island off the coast of England, where she bonds with a mysterious horse.