Plot: Best friends Chris Owens, Brian Jill, Thad Robison and Jay Johnson go where no one has ventured before to fuel their passion for extreme fishing. To chase rumors of giant fish in untouched waters, the adventurers explore Earth's most remote, dangerous destinations, from glacial streams in Greenland...
Plot: Gloucester's fishermen have to learn new fishing techniques to beat their competitors, the Outer Banks' top fishermen, in the race to catch the elusive bluefin tuna in the waters of North Carolina.
Plot: Capts. Lain Goodwin and George Clark Jr. demonstrate tactics, tips and tackle while fishing for inshore and offshore species in the Florida Keys and Gulf Coast.
Plot: The man with the orange "T" on his hat for his beloved University of Tennessee and home state has been a timeless institution as the host of this sport fishing show. It debuted in 1968, and over the years Dance has entertained viewers with an educational, humorous and at times offbeat way of having...