Plot: Unser Sandmännchen, Das Sandmännchen, AbendgruÃ, Sandmann, Sandmännchen is a German children's bedtime television programme using stop motion animation. The puppet was based on the Ole Lukøje character by Hans Christian Andersen. Two versions of Sandmännchen were created: one...
Plot: Die Sendung mit der Maus is a children's series on German television that has been called "the school of the nation". The show first aired on 7 March 1971. Originally called Lach- und Sachgeschichten für Fernsehanfänger, it was controversial because German law prohibited television for children...
Plot: The adventures of writer Newt Scamander in New York's secret community of witches and wizards seventy years before Harry Potter reads his book in school.
Plot: Marienhof is a German soap opera, first shown on 1 October 1992 on German TV channel, Das Erste. It started as a weekly series, before becoming a daily programme on 2 January 1995. The show was cancelled in February 2011 and aired its last episode on 15 June 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Tigerenten Club is a German children's television programme. The programme involves a mix of games, quizzes, cartoons and outside reports from the presenters and children, with the aim to educate and entertain. It is produced by SWR in co-operation with other regional broadcasters, and is broadcast...
Plot: Löwenzahn is a children's television series produced and aired by German public broadcaster ZDF on German television. Originally conceived and hosted by Peter Lustig, the first episode aired on January 7, 1979, then titled Pusteblume. The first episode of the retitled series Löwenzahn aired on...
Plot: Exploring mental health issues and embarking on a journey of self-discovery is comedy drama `Pure'. Like most 24-year-olds, Marnie is unsure of what the future holds for her. More disconcerting to Marnie, however, are the uncontrollable sexual thoughts and images that plague her mind at the most inappropriate...
Plot: Mother Goose Club is an educational nursery school program produced by Sockeye Media LLC. acquiring more than 6 billion views and more than 3.5 million subscribers. Mother Goose Club episodes are also available on Netflix and Prime Video. Wikipedia
Plot: Four friends, Jo, Suzy, Jamie and Tian, are joined by Granda and talk about emotions and sharing feelings. They use their imaginations to leap into the lives of other people, and explore how they would feel in their shoes.
Plot: The Let's Go Club is the place where children will want to spend their summer holidays - having fun, making new friends and discovering new things!