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Wildlife Quest
Description: Hosts Brittany and Anga travel through an African reserve, meeting many animals along the way. Genre: Reality-TV Year Released: 2016 Number of seasons: 2 Number of episodes: 22 First episode air date: May 10, 2016 Cast: Brittany Bristow
Plot: This long-running documentary series follows the work of Wildlife Aid, an animal rescue and rehabilitation centre based in Surrey, England. The show is presented by Wildlife Aid co-founder Simon Cowell (not the famous music executive) and veterinary nurse Sara Cowen. While Cowell is generally featured...
Plot: Only the strongest survive in the animal kingdom, where the competition for food, territory or mates means employing skillfully crafted tricks of the trade. "Animal Armory" incorporates high-end imagery and computer graphics to reveal how wildlife use their teeth, claws, antlers, camouflage, venom...
Plot: `Britain's Big Wildlife Revival' sheds light on the plight of some of the country's most iconic species that are threatened and potentially could face extinction. The six-part series is hosted by ecologist and `Countryfile' presenter Ellie Harrison, who welcomes three guest presenters on each episode...
Plot: Breathtaking visuals and dramatic storytelling highlight this award-winning documentary series spotlighting extraordinary animals around the world, emphasizing their unpredictable behavior.
Plot: Catherine Bell reprises her role of Cassie Nightingale in this series based on `The Good Witch' franchise of made-for-TV movies. Nightingale, the titular sorceress, embarks on a magical journey with teenage daughter Grace, who shares her mother's intuitive charm. When divorced Dr. Sam Radford and his...