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Wild Korea
Description: Beyond the battle scars and the fortifications from decades of conflict, South Korea still boasts areas of great wilderness with intriguing animals, some of which share extraordinary relationships with humankind. Genre: TV program
Plot: This documentary series, narrated by actor Santiago Cabrera, explores the remote lands of Patagonia. Three episodes capture extraordinary footage from the southernmost tip of South America that joins Argentina and Chile. The landscapes vary from volcanoes to deserts, and glaciers to the mountainous...
Plot: Michelle Dockery narrates a miniseries that captures Japan's ecologically rich landscapes, from the snow-topped mountains to the subtropical coral reefs. The natural activity of the country's wildlife, animals and people are filmed over various seasons through extreme climates and powerful forces. The...
Plot: Wild Russia is a six-episode series of documentaries about the wilderness in Russia made by the German NDR Naturfilm/Studio Hamburg Doclights for NDR/WDR/S4C/Animal Planet and National Geographic in 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Law of the Jungle is a South Korean reality-documentary show that airs on SBS. Each episode features celebrities sent to survive in remote locations around the world. The show was first aired on October 21, 2011. The show's 300th episode aired in 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Wildlife enthusiast Saba Douglas-Hamilton, husband Frank and their three children move to the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya. This series documents their journey as they attempt to run a safari camp in the remote wilderness, something neither Saba nor Frank have attempted before. With a host of...
Plot: This series explores the natural landscape of Colombia and its extraordinary wildlife. With its location on the equator, and both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans on its border, the country is abounding with diverse geography. The show documents Colombia's exotic lands like the snow-capped mountain...
Plot: Actor James Norton narrates a series exploring America's iconic Wild West, known for its legends and synonymous with Hollywood productions. Miles of desert landscapes, redwood forests and extreme coastlines make up the topography, shaping the lives of the wildlife and inhabitants of the area. Filmed...
Plot: `New Zealand: Earth's Mythical Islands' is a documentary narrated by actor Sam Neill. The miniseries captures the wildlife of New Zealand's remote island chain where nature has been left undisturbed since the age of the dinosaurs. Episodes reveal the exotic and ancient creatures that inhabit the mysterious...
Plot: From the Arctic Ocean and its isolated islands to the bleak, barren tundra and frozen forests of the taiga, the Arctic region is locked in ice for more than half of the year. In the summer however, this land of contrast bursts into life.
Plot: `Wild 24' is a documentary series capturing the life of different animals around the world for a whole day and night. For a period of 24 hours the cameras follow the wildlife that comes and goes in remote environments such as Africa's savannah, Chile's Atacama Desert and the forests of Tasmania. The...
Plot: An intimate portrait of the resilience of three different animal families as they face the seasonal extremes and fierce predators of the Brazilian rainforests.