Plot: From the Arctic Ocean and its isolated islands to the bleak, barren tundra and frozen forests of the taiga, the Arctic region is locked in ice for more than half of the year. In the summer however, this land of contrast bursts into life.
Plot: Narrated by Tom Selleck and featuring Bon Jovi's `Army of One' as its theme song, the sweeping seven-part documentary `North America' captures a land where life collides with hostile, untamed wilderness in one of the most diverse, deadly environments on Earth. The series, which took more than three...
Plot: This six-part nature documentary series reveals one of the world's most enigmatic countries -- one filled with natural complexity, picturesque landscapes and colorful people -- all spectacularly captured, from the Himalayas to the tropical islands, using high-definition cameras. The series was filmed...
Plot: British art historian Andrew Graham-Dixon reveals Scandinavian history by examining the region's art. The three-part documentary explores artwork from this part of Europe, discovering what stories particular pieces tell about the culture and the era in which they were created. The first episode discusses...
Plot: The host and his crew travel to the frozen lands of the Arctic and the Antarctic. They observe the climatic conditions and the environment to learn how wildlife survives in such harsh conditions.