Plot: Kabaret Starszych Panów was a Polish satirical cabaret made for TV in the late 1950s to mid-1960s. Numerous leading actors and performers participated in its episodes. The hosts and producers were Jerzy Wasowski and Jeremi Przybora, the two aging male Polish actors mentioned in the cabaret's name...
Plot: Young ambitious theatre director is chosen as a manager of small municipal theatre, in which ghost of past masters coexist with the living. He has to face actors' reservations and financial troubles to make the theatre successful. And it appears, that local authorities clearly want him to fail. Young...
Plot: Jaka to melodia? is the licenced Polish variation of the classic game show Name That Tune, running every year since 1997 on TVP1. It is licenced by Prestige Entertainment Group and Sandy Frank Film Syndication. Wikipedia
Plot: Studio 2 was a daily current affairs newsmagazine on TVOntario in Ontario, Canada. The show won several Gemini Awards, and was hosted by Steve Paikin and Paula Todd, and first aired in 1994. TVOntario announced the program's termination on June 29, 2006. Wikipedia