Plot: This documentary series examines how inventive advances in engineering and technology during the Industrial Revolution and beyond changed Britain forever. From steam engines and early canal boats to the creation of transportation networks and engineering feats including the Ironbridge, `Industrial...
Plot: Railways have been a popular method of transport since the 18th century (and have been around even longer than that). In this three-part programme, presenter Dan Snow demonstrates how the early rail systems of the 18th century quickly developed into a catalyst for the start of the Industrial Revolution...
Plot: Dave and Si swap the chef's hats for hard hats and travel around Britain in search of the most exciting restoration projects of our industrial past.
Plot: In less than a century, the Victorians transformed the face of Britain. They built iconic buildings, constructed transport networks, and invented cutting-edge technology. Michael Buerk travels Britain to find out how the Victorians built the nation.
Plot: Tony Robinson explores the true story of the factory workers whose blood, sweat and toil forged the Industrial Revolution. He finds out how they rose up to launch a wave of social change that laid the foundation for the country we know today.