Plot: This comedy series takes place behind the scenes of a fictitious late-night network news program based in Washington, D.C. Correspondent Al Freundlich (Al Franken), anchor Pearce McKenzie (Robert Foxworth), executive producer Vic Karp (Miguel Ferrer) and their cohorts must generate interesting stories...
Plot: Planet America is an Australian television news program on ABC News. The program is co-hosted by John Barron and Chas Licciardello, and premiered on 10 February 2012. The program was launched to cover American political news events ahead of the 2012 presidential election. Wikipedia
Plot: In 2050, an era filled by technologies. The 20's something Joanna struggles with the loss of memories after a road accident, which forever buried the truth deep inside of her own brain.
Plot: Contestants believe, that they are only in the qualification rounds for an entirely different show. With the cameras constantly rolling, the twelve participants are kept in the dark, in fact, being filmed for a hidden camera show.
Plot: Hosts Tyrel Ventura, Sean Stone and Tabetha Wallace use balanced conversation and honest debate to focus on politics and pop culture stories the rest of the media ignores.
Plot: Inside Business was an Australian television program broadcast on ABC1. Making its debut on 4 August 2002, it presented analysis of the financial world, including the Australian sharemarket, business activities and the broader economy. Wikipedia
Plot: The oldest and most-watched newsmagazine on television gets the real story on America's most prevalent issues. CBS News correspondents contribute segments to each hourlong episode. Topics range from hard news coverage to politics, lifestyle, pop culture, business, health, and science. The correspondents...
Plot: In 2050, an era filled by technologies. The 20's something Joanna struggles with the loss of memories after a road accident, which forever buried the truth deep inside of her own brain.
Plot: Four Corners is an American prime time television drama that ran from February 24, 1998, to March 3, 1998, on CBS. It was produced by David Jacobs. Wikipedia