Plot: Te cunosc de undeva! is the Romanian version of the talent show, Your Face Sounds Familiar. The first series premiered on 17 March 2012 on Antena 1. The show is hosted by Cosmin SeleÈi and Alina PuÈcaÈ. Its panel of judges includes Andreea BÄlan, Ozana Barabancea...
Plot: Las FierbinÈi is a Romanian sitcom that premiered on Pro TV on March 1, 2012, created by Mimi BrÄnescu, and directed by DragoÈ Buliga and Constantin Popescu. Set in a rural place FierbinÈi, the series follows the social and romantic lives of the inhabitants from...
Plot: After returning from Nice, where he has found his lost son, State makes glorious plans for his future: he is to retire and his place will be taken by Gabriel, as his only heir. But things are far from being perfect: Minodora and Stiven are getting envious with the attention received by the newly-found...
Plot: The Varlams are among the richest families in Romania, Grigore Varlam (Bebe Cotimanis), the head of the family, is a business man who has created an empire. He is married to Simona, his second wife, a woman who has realized her ambition of leading a comfortable life in a luxurious house. Mihai (Lucian...
Plot: While wrestling with the pressures of life, love, and work in Manhattan, Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte join Samantha for a trip to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), where Samantha's ex is filming a new movie. The Sacrifice, the series produced by Ruxandra Ion for Antena 1 (Romanian TV post), plays...
Plot: Aniela, the first Romanian costume drama, tells the story of young Aniela Elefterios who thought she had it all: a promising future and a fiancé of noble descent. But her father's unexpected death will change her life forever and will put her against a society where conventions are all that matters...
Plot: Pariu cu viaÈa is a musical phenomenon comedy-drama television series that airs on Pro TV in Romania. It focuses on a love story between two teenagers with a big passion for music, their family connections and the life of a music group formed at their high school. Wikipedia
Plot: "A new Life" is the sequel to "A Bet with Life". It continues the story of Ioana, Andrei and Lala Band. Andrei now the owner of a music studio is happily in love with Ioana who is looking for a job as a singer. Anca, loses her memory following a car accident. Mara owns a bar called Sha Lala What they...
Plot: Fructul oprit is a psychological drama produced by Intact Media Group for Antena 1, which premiered on January 15, 2018. The series is a free adaptation of the novel Ask-i Memnu by Halit Ziya Usakligil, from 1900, and the action is placed in Bucharest, Snagov and Istanbul modern. Fructul oprit is a...